Introducing our new Puppy and Kitten Packages
The offer includes a health check, full primary course of vaccination, initial worm and flea treatment, ID chipping plus 4 weeks free insurance. As part of this offer we will also offer a 10% discount off the full cost of neutering, if it is preformed between 6-7 months of age.
Puppy Package £65.00 Kitten Package £70
Pet Smile Month March and September
Free dental check and 30% off any necessary dental work.
Which of our pets need dental checks? They all do! Research indicates that 85% of dogs and 70% of cats over the age of 3 will be affected Periodontal disease, causes inflamed gums which detach slightly from the teeth, and allow bacteria to become trapped between the teeth and gums. Each time the animal eats, the gums bleed a little, releasing bacteria into the bloodstream. This can lead to infection of the major organs.
A check up every six months, or at least annually at the time of your pet’s vaccination booster, will detect any problems
2015 Calender of Promotions:
January: Puppy and kitten packs
February: Geriatric Screen
March: Pet Smile month
April: Pet Health Care Plan launch
May: Free Rabbit health check and certificate
June: ID chip offer
July: Nexguard and Broadline launch
August: Nexguard and Broadline launch
2015 Calender of Campaigns:
Yellow Dog Project
Hyperthyroidism awareness
Adopt a Guinea Pig month
Rabbit Awareness month NANANANSNSa
Wildlife Young awareness
Fly Strike awareness
Heat and dogs in cars awareness
Autumn berries and
Opening Hours
Surgery opening hours 8.30am to 6pm (Monday to Friday).
Monday to Friday Consultation: (by appointment only)
9.15am to 10.30am
2pm to 3pm
4.30pm to 6pm.
Saturday Consultation: (by appointment only)
9am to 12pm.
Westoe Vets Limited subscribe to Vets Now Emergency Limited so that in an emergency you will always be able to access advice or any urgent treatment your pet may require when our surgery is closed.
Telephone: 0191 469 6926